The story Lord of the Flies is a thrilling action packed novel. This novel is about more than just boys stranded on an island, it's also about the age old battle of good and evil. The conch is a symbol of order and restriction that we try to enforce to fight against evil. The beast represent the evil lurking within ourselves, it's also the symbol of our fear and what we don't know or understand. Last of all is Piggy, he represent the good and intellectual side of the human soul.
The story happens in the middle of an unknown war, the boy were being evacuated but their plane got shot down by fighter jets, while waiting for rescue they all met and decided that it is best to stick together. A boy named Ralph was elected chief of the group, Ralph pass a law that who ever have the conch, a white large sea shell get to speak their mind and everyone else have to listen. The built huts on the beach and made a huge fire to alert passing ship. Unfortunately, everything started to fall a part when the leader of the hunters, Jack, became envious with Ralph's leadership; he offered the boys the freedom from the responsibility that Ralph have put on them. They painted their face and dance around like wild tribes, the boys were also afraid of a mysterious beast that appear in the dark of the night. The hunters started to slaughter pigs that live on the island. It is a very interesting and exciting book, if you want to know what happens next, read and find out.
If you want to find out more about this book you can look it up on wikipedia or if you want to read it, it is available at the high school library!
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