Life on Privet Drive left a lot to be desired but it was the only on he has, the Dursleys were his only known living relatives. He had always wanted to run away but his aunt and uncle made sure that he never could. They had never given him money or did something nice for him. Harry appeared on their doorsteps ten years ago and they have been grudgingly raising him ever since. The odd thing is that people on the street seem to know who he is but they always manage to disappear before Harry had a chance to ask.
Then something happened that changed his life forever...
Follow the Harry Potter and his friend as they embark on the most mind blowing and magical adventure in the best-selling series Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
This is a short fic I thought of while doing the novel reflection. Enjoy and comment if you like. I do not own Harry Potter.
Harry sighed. Dudley and his gang were at it again. Playing their favorite game, Harry Hunting, and this was just another reminder of how much he loathes Privet Drive. Dudley and his goons made sure that no kid at school or in the neighborhood would come five feet near Harry and certainly not talk to him.
Thoughts of him finally having a friend who would stand up to Dudley and protect him ran through his mind as Harry round the corner to Magnolia Drive.
"Yeah right," He thought, "Fat chance of that. No one would come even ten feet of him without saying an insult or beating him up."
Birds flew over head making him wish that he could just sprout out wings and fly out of here. In Privet Drive nobody care about him, nobody like and they treat him like a freak, especially the Dursleys who are all prejudice. If only he could fly.
He walked to the park and sat down on one of the swings. He wish he could have a normal life with normal friends and normal parents. Not that he knew anything about his. His best example of a mother is his aunt Petunia and that's not a lot to go by.
The sound of footsteps snapped him out his musing. "Good, they're still far away." he thought. Growing up in a spider filled, dusty cupboard gave Harry exceptional hearing and very good reflexes. Shrugging, Harry got up and started running. It's almost dark and he did not want to spend another night in his little dark cupboard without dinner or being yelled at by uncle Vernon.
Harry jogged up to Privet Drive and stopped at a little white house with the brass number four on it. He knocked on the door and it was his uncle who opened the door.
"There you are boy! Where have you been you ungrateful little brat." he yelled.
Harry listened to his uncle's usual tirade and wondered what is it this time that made him throw his all too familiar fit at his favorite punching bag. Harry stepped into the house was immediately greeted with a wave of aunt Petunia's famous scolding. He swore to god, that woman can keep a burglar out of the house just because he could not stay in long enough to rob listening to her scolding.
Just then, Dudley stepped through the door and aunt Petunia jumped right to smothering him with gift and praises which Harry was sure was at recorded speed. He kept his head low all through dinner, half-absence mindlessly chewing his food and listening to Dudley stuffing his face with roast beef and gravy.
He finished dinner and quickly retreated to the bathroom to brush his teeth while the Dursley watched TV. It was not like he have anything better to do.
As he brush his teeth he could still hear Dudley ear throbbing laugh as he watched his favorite show. "What a spoiled little brat" was the first thing that came to his mind. The second was "How could his aunt and uncle listen to what sound like a baby banshee and not get their eardrums scarred for life?"
Harry stepped out of the bathroom but slipped on a puddle of water hitting face first on the cold, wooden floor. Checking to see if there were any signs of a bloody nose or bruised lip he heard his uncle shout
"Be quiet up there boy or I'll make sure you stay in that cupboard 'till your next birthday!"
Silently cursing himself and his bad luck, Harry got up and quietly crept down stair to his pathetic excuse for a room. He shot a glance at the Dursleys sitting on the couch, watching TV. As he entered his dark little cupboard space, he sneaked one last peak at the happy family and closed the door.
Harry sat there wondering if he and his parent spend time with each other like that, would they take him to a theme park or the movies and shower him with presents on his birthday like his aunt and uncle always does with the Dudley. He bet they did not think that their son would be sleeping in a cupboard and eating left overs. If only they were alive.
He heard Dudley snort outside and smirked at the fact that it sounded exactly like a pig. Harry was sure if you replace Dudley with a pig no one would actually notice the difference.. Heck, he would take a pig over Dudley any time, at least the pig won't break his nose whenever they meet.
Harry drifted off to sleep. He saw a blinding flash of green and a cold, bone-chilling cackle then darkness and nothing else.
Harry woke up with a gasped, he was drenched in cold sweat, his heart was raising and his scar was burning. "It's that dream again," his thought trailed off. He had been getting that same unusual dream for as long as he could remember. It had been coming more frequently and becoming more intense. Yet it felt so familiar, almost like a memory his mind did not want to remember. He felt like it was a part of him that have been forgotten, trying to resurface. He felt like it was some kind of sign, he felt related to it.
He managed to fall a sleep again and this time he dreamed about being on a flying motorcycle, it was a weird yet pleasant dream and it too felt real. A memory that's buried deep within him. He could literally feel the wind against his hair.
Harry woke up to his aunt pounding on the door of his little cupboard. He opened the door and went to the bathroom. "It's another new day." He thought.
He suddenly groan. Of course! Tomorrow's Dudley's birthday! How could he had forgotten. As he walked down the stairs, he thought about how he's surviving in the wild battleground that's Privet Drive while the world keep on spinning peacefully. He would give anything to find a place where he belong.
With that thought he entered the kitchen, unaware of a certain tabby cat watching him with it's brown eyes.
A/N: I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment on what you think. I did not name this story yet so can you make a suggestion on what the name should be? Thanx :)
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